Below is a list of some of the recent projects by our GreenPesa team

Main-street Energy Treasure Hunt, Delaware
Funding for this venture came from Energize Delaware
Directly engaged +120 small businesses on energy efficiency
Completed 11 level 1 energy audits; identifying >$ 50,000 in potential energy cost savings in Newark, Delaware
Developed and pre-tested the GreenPesa Auto-Energy Auditor Mobile App - for completing energy audits remotely.
Developed a small business energy-efficiency assessment manua

Status: Completed
Energy Company in Ohio

Energy Star portfolio manager assessment​
Commercial building energy audit (2018 baseline).​
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) assessment for Scope 1-3 using the GHG Protocol (2018 baseline).
Smart Commute program design
Financial modeling for a 500kWp solar car-park plant.
Status: Completed
University of Delaware
Energy Star bench-marking assessment for 15 buildings
Campus wide sustainability behavior engagement of students.
Members of our team served on the UD Carbon Neutral sub-committee.
Status: Completed

Legal Firm, Delaware

Energy Star bench-marking assessment 2 office units
Energy Bill auditing
Piloting the GreenPesa Auto-Energy Auditor web-app
Smart Commute program
Financial modelling for priority energy efficiency projects.
Carbon offset of emissions to achieve Carbon neutral status by 2030
Status: Ongoing

International NGO
Undertook a socio-economic assessment for three river catchments
Assessment results in recommendations for improved intergrated water resources management program
Status: Completed
Co-led the contribution analysis study for IUCN Uganda Forest program (Full report here; https://bit.ly/2JEaj7M).
Completed IUCN's "Towards Pro-Poor REDD+ (Phase II)" program evaluation report
Undertook an assessment and training on mainstreaming pro-poor and Human Rights-Based Approaches in REDD+ Initiatives in Uganda

Status: Completed

Examining policy options for sustainable forest management
GIS assessment of forest cover change across three decades
Designing a mobile-based app, ForestPesa for incentivizing smallholder forest owners towards sustainable forest management outcomes.
ForestPesa was selected among the winners for the inaugural Beyond Tourism Challenge by WWF Africa, Luc Hoffmann Institute, and Africa Leadership University (ALU).